Monday, May 7, 2012

the sign up sheet for demo2

Those of you who haven't signed up for a slot pls come to the TA office, there is a sign up sheet on the door. Each group have up to 30 mins to do the demo. Take the available slots as soon as possible. I am surprised no one shows up for today's  slots. That means there might not be enough slots for those of you haven't present.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Demo slots for project 2

You can find me during 10-12, 3-5, May 7th and 3-5 May 8th in the TA office area.

562 demos

ALL team members are required to attend the demo of their project. They should be ready to answer questions about the project, in particular about the contribution of each team member.


office hour change and demo slots for project2

I will change my office hour to wed from 3pm to 5pm.
My demo slots are on the afternoon of May 7th start from 1pm and in the morning of May 8th start from 9am to 12pm, and on May 9th start from 2pm, the place is where I hold office hour.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Office Hour Change

Dear all,

I have to change my office hours next week from Apr 30, Monday 1-3 pm to May 1, Tuesday 1-3 pm because of a schedule conflict. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Exam #2: extra credit

Hint: You need to handle overflow/underflow in such a way that 2/3 minimum occupancy is preserved. This means splitting 2 nodes into 3 on overflow (when a neighbor is full) and merging 3 nodes into 2
on underflow (when both neighbors are at their minimum). Special nodes arise in the exceptional cases when split/merge cannot be applied and have to be handled separately.

This is different than in B+trees.


Report guidelines

Posted on the course web page.
